If you’ve ever found yourself in a high stress situation you know just how hard it can be.  Unfortunately, many of us will find ourselves in a situation of high stress at one point, if not several points, in our lives.  It might be a singular event that is very stressful or we might find the buildup of a few minorly stressful events leads to a feeling of significant overwhelm.

No matter what your situation, or whether its related to your personal or professional life, it is essential that we address our stress. Unaddressed stress can have negative and at times significant impacts on our ability to function and our health.  Even if the stressor is ongoing it is vital to incorporate stress reducing techniques into our life in order to be more effective and to protect our health.

Over the years I’ve focused on 6 different mindfulness techniques to address my stress when I find myself in high stress situations.  I’m excited to share them with you in my new guide 6 Mindfulness Techniques for Surviving a High Stress Sitauation.

The best part? When you sign up for our newsletter you will receive this gem for free.  Our newsletter is filled with tips and tricks for incorporating mindfulness into your everyday modern life even when you are not in a high stress situation.  No matter where you find yourself in life, I know you will find useful tips in both the guide and our newsletter.  I can’t wait for you to join me!

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