Updated: October 5, 2018

Seeking Roam LLC (“Company”“our”, “we”, or “us”) is concerned with and respects your privacy.  Our Privacy Policy details our commitment to protecting your information.  It also details the information we collect.

This Privacy Policy governs your use of and access to seekingroam.com (the “Website).  That includes all use and access to any content or services offered on or through the Website.

Please read the Privacy Policy carefully before you start to use the Website.  

By using the Website or by clicking to accept or agree to the Terms of Use you are accepting and agreeing to be bound and to abide by the Privacy Policy.  If you do not want to agree to the Privacy Policy, you must immediately discontinue accessing and using the Website and content.

When you use or access the Website, our Company learns specific information about you. This happens either automatically (ex. cookies, pixels etc.) or through voluntary actions you take, during your time on the Website (ex. signing up for a newsletter).

Our Website is not intended to be used by anyone 13 and under.  Meaning no one under 13 should provide any information to or on the Website.  Anyone 13 or under should discontinue use of the Website immediately.  We do not collect information on children under 13 knowingly but in the case where we become aware of data on an individual 13 or under we will delete the information immediately.  

Information We Collect About You

Our Company will learn certain information about you during your visit to the Website or through information we collect automatically.

Information You Provide. 

Our Website contains multiple places for visitors and users to provide information. Visitors and Users provide this information by filling out forms on the Website, including but not limited to signing up for our email list and newsletter, requesting freebies and educational materials, completing surveys, using the search feature of the Website, leaving comments or feedback, and information provided during ordering items in our shop.

The information you provide is used in multiple ways including to improve the performance of the Website, to provide content that is more relevant to you, to deliver any items, freebies educational material etc. that has been requested and to enable us to provide you with relevant promotions, information and offers.

Information We Collect Automatically.

As you use our Website, we may collect data through automatic means including through Google Analytics.  This includes information on your patterns and actions as you use the Website.  It also includes information about your browsing actions, the equipment and connection you use.  It may include information about your general location as well as your IP address.  This information is used to understand general trends concerning visitor use to our Website. It is used to improve the Website functionality and to improve our offerings.

This information does not directly include personal information but if you provide personal information to us, our system may link your personally provided information to the data that is collected automatically.

Use of Cookies and Pixels

Many websites, including ours, use cookies and logs to collect data and information about how the site is being used.  This may include information on your IP address, the pages visited during your visit, the pages visited directly prior and directly after your visit, the time spent on our Website, as well as the date and time of the visits.

We also reserve the right to use social media pixels and other cookie equivalents.  Pixels from social media sights allow those sites to track visitors to websites outside their own.  This information is used to tailor advertising messages users see while visiting that social media website.

We reserve the right to use these pixels in compliance with the policies of the various social media sites but note that we do not control the privacy policies of those social media sites.

Use of Third Party Cookies

Many websites, including ours, may provide content on the Website that are served by third-parties, including advertisements from advertisers, content providers, servers and ad networks.

These third parties may use various tracking technologies including cookies, web beacons etc. We do not control these tracking technologies, how they are used or what information they collect.  These providers may be able to track you and your behavior across multiple sites and they may use it to provide advertising across multiple sites.  If you have any questions regarding an advertisement you are served or any other targeted content, contact the responsible party directly.

Why We Collect Information

The Company uses your information to understand your preferences and to provide the best experience possible for the activities you choose to engage in.  We also use this information to keep you informed about products and services you have chosen to participate in and to provide you information about relevant, related products.

Most of the information on our site is freely available without the need for you to provide personal information.  We will request your personal information for downloads, classes or when you register for any service provided by the Website.

Email Policies

If you are outside the European Union and sign up to receive any free resources, purchase a product, register for an event, or register for a class, you will automatically be registered for our free email newsletter. If you wish to unsubscribe, please check the bottom of any email correspondence from us and click unsubscribe.

If you are in the European Union, and sign up to receive any free resources, purchase a product, register for an event, or register for a class, you must consent to be added to the mailing list for our newsletter. Please remember there is also an unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email we send.

We are committed to protecting your email address and keeping it confidential.  We do not sell or provide your email address to any third party except for the fulfillment of requested materials or services.  Our e-mail list and newsletter are currently provided through a third party.  All emails sent from our Company come through this third party provider and clearly state that the email originated from Seeking Roam.  This email also allows you to quickly unsubscribe from the mailing list when you click unsubscribe at the bottom of the email.

If you correspond with Seeking Roam LLC through email, your email may be retained in accordance with local and federal laws.

Disclosure of Your Information.

While we generally do not transfer any of your information to third parties, there are a few specific cases where we do.

In the case where you have requested a service, materials, joined a newsletter or signed up for an event your information may be disclosed to service providers for the purpose of providing those items or services to you only.  We only work with trusted third parties that have high data protection standards and your information is only used to fulfill services or requests you have made.

Your information may also be disclosed to a collection agency or lawyer when necessary to enforce payment, terms or any agreement between you and the Company.  We may also disclose information should we believe in good faith that the law requires it, or in order to protect the Company’s legal rights or in the case where we are compelled to do so by a court or government entity.

In the case of sale, transfer of assets, merger, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or divestiture whether in part or whole we may provide your information to any successor in interest.

How We Protect Your Information

We use standard security protocols and work only with reputable third party vendors to ensure the security of the information you provide and the information that we collect automatically.

Any payment made through the site is transmitted securely through Secure Sockets Layer, or SSL. We never transmit credit card information or other sensitive information via email.

Policy Changes

This page will remain up to date on our privacy policy. In the case of significant or material changes we will inform those who are signed up for our mailing list and will make a notice available on our homepage.  You can confirm the date of revision at the top of this page.

GDPR in the European Union

If you are within the European Union, you have specific rights and are entitled to certain information under the General Data Protection Regulation.

These Rights Are:

  1. The right to be informed – We are informing you here.
  2. The right of access – You may request to see the data we have on you
  3. The right to rectification – You may request that we fix any information that is not correct.
  4. The right to erasure – You may request that we erase all or part of your data.
  5. The right to restrict processing- You may request that we restrict the ways in which we process your data.
  6. The right to data portability – You may request the export of your information.
  7. The right to object – You may object to how we use your data.
  8. Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling.

In the case that you wish to exercise any of these rights please reach out to the contact below.  Please also remember that in the case of our email list, you can click unsubscribe at the bottom of the email.


Seeking Roam LLC

Aurora, CO 80010

Amanda [at] seekingroam {dot} com